Thursday, March 4, 2010

Andres Almiray presents "Flying with Griffon" at SacGRU tonight

Andres Almiray will be doing a presentation tonight on Griffon at the local SacGRU (Sacramento Groovy User's) meeting. Please attend if you would like to learn Java Desktop Development "for Mere Mortals". Meeting details and the presentation blurb are below:

Thursday March 4 at 6:30.

2880 Gateway Oaks Drive, Suite 350
Sacramento, CA 95833

Flying with Griffon

Building a desktop application is a hard task, there are some many things to keep track of that many projects simply fail to meet their goals. Setting up the project structure keeping each artifact on a well identified location given its responsibility and type, defining the base schema for managing the application's life cycle, making sure the build is properly setup, and more. These are recurring tasks that should be handled by a tool or better yet, a framework. Griffon is such a framework. Inspired by the Grails framework Griffon aims to bring the same productivity gains to desktop development

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